Tuesday, August 23, 2011

SEVEN Fund Teaching Fellows Meet President Paul Kagame

I was fortunate to meet Rwandan President Paul Kagame on July 16 as one of eight Seven Fund Teaching Fellows. Kagame is an inspiring leader. As former RPF rebel leader and master tactician, he and his army defeated the Hutu Power government and militias and ended the Rwandan genocide. The international community chose to deny the genocidaires were massacring Tutsis and Hutus moderates during the 1994 genocide. He has led the country's record-breaking economic recovery first as VP then as President. His work as leader is inspiring: very progressive towards women's rights and environmental conservation, and I told him so in person. Pictured on the right: Dr. Frank Hubbel, the founder of SOLO Wilderness Medicine Schools, teaching fellows Ellen Dobie, Marliese Peltier and me, Julie Kennedy of SEVEN (Julie will get her on post soon), and CEO and founder of SEVEN and member of Kagame's Presidential Council, Mike Fairbanks (also pictured below.) Mike's writing in the books In the River They Swim, Culture Matters and Plowing the Sea are core readings in development economics and social entrepreneurship. Mike's a great storyteller as well as a high level economist. My goal of "prosperity with the future in mind" is textbook Mike Fairbanks. I was lucky to spend so much time in Rwanda with him and the fellows. Our delegation of teachers, bio-tech wizards and social entrepreneurs (all orchestrated by Mike and SEVEN) found common ground in our passion for Rwanda's climate of innovation.

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